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Упоминания об игре

Еще одно упоминание об роботах. Как то полноценное ревью не хотят делать.
Читать тут.
"A tower defense game with a twist, the #8 app this week is the free game Unstoppable Robots. In the game, the robots on planet Rusty Head have become infected with a virus that makes them extremely stupid. In order to save the planet, players stop waves of defective robots by laying traps and using weapons.The game was released on October 10th and credited to AlphaWeb Plus and maxreality, neither of whom have a website."
Тут отзыв
"The graphics of...! by Dina
The graphics of Unstoppable Robots game are extremely different than other robo games, I think that’s what I love about this game the most. The constant action and extra abilities make defending your friend’s planet across 25 locations even more entertaining."

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